The Crucifix of Christ Jesus is the most powerful and inspiring sign in the universe. Who ever thought of making the death penalty the icon of their faith? Let us become a people of the Crucifix .
What secrets did Joe Biden learn when he became a Mason-on-Sight on January 19, 2025, by the Grand Master of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina? This video explains.
David L. Gray comments on Joe Biden being made a Mason-on-Site by Grand Master Victor of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina.
The most hilarious fashion and mental breakdowns were at the January 21, 2025, Donald Trump #47 Inauguration.
Martin Luther King preached violence against children in the womb. Keep Martin Luther King Jr. out of the Catholic Liturgy. He was a eugenicist who destroyed society.
Mel Gibson and Mark Zuckerberg go on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast and tell lie after lie after lie.
A lawsuit alleging that Joy Taylor slept her way into multiple positions at Fox Sports is more proof that the workplace is a hostile environment for Christian men. Here are the three things men need to learn from this teachable moment.
I have four thoughts on the Lily Phillips’ 100 Men Documentary
Pope Francis has urged Joe Biden to commute the death sentences of all 40 individuals on federal death row in the United States. The United States Council of Catholic Bishops has also initiated a petition campaign to encourage Biden to take this action.
The Vatican has confirmed that so-called LGBT Catholic pilgrims will be recognized with a dedicated day on September 6 during the upcoming Jubilee Holy Year, as reported by Il Messaggero.
David L. Gray comments on Jaguar’s “Copy Nothing” ad which received mixed reactions. The ad, which featured vibrant colors, flamboyant actors, and gender non-conforming individuals, sparked significant debate on social media. Many viewers criticized the ad for being too “woke” and disconnected from the brand’s core identity of luxury cars.
Joy Ann Reid’s Free Advice to White Progressive Women was 100% Spot On! Megyn Kelly and Mark Dice couldn’t see through their White Identity gloss to hear what she was saying.
Pope Francis excommunicated Italian priest Ferdinand Maria Cornet from the priesthood for schism. Is Bishop Strickland next?
According to Kamala Harris FEC Filings, the Freemasons, Bishop Sheard, Al Sharpton, and Oprah Winfrey may have been bribed, but what about Bishop Sheard and COGIC? Were they involved in this scheme, too?
Pornstars are engaged in the most dangerous industry on the planet, but they were spiritually broken before they signed up for that lifestyle.
My reaction to Karyn Seitz’s ‘The Top 5 Reasons Your Wife Has No Interest In Sex (The REAL Story).’
Donnie Swaggart was dead to right about the idolatry that COGIC and Bishop Sheard have been engaged in with choosing evil over truth.
The #4bmovement started in South Korea, but keeps popping up in the United States as a radical feminist tempertatum reaction to their ‘reproductive rights’ getting restricted. This movement is making America great again by getting rid of hoes.
As Christians, how can we support the millions of people who are emotionally suffering after voting for Kamala Harris?
In this video, David L. Gray comments on Kamala Harris’s and Democratic allies’ ‘Your Vote Your Choice’ campaign to convince women to vote for Kamala and lie to their husbands. This initiative is another reason why we need to revisit whether women should be allowed to vote or if we need to return to one vote per household.
ChristianitiesMovie DOT COM is a documentary about people’s journey to the heart of the faith. In one trailer of the documentary, Tucker Carlson talks about his conversion moment when he was attacked by a demon in his sleep.
Somebody had to call the Black Protestant Church out for their evil, and Donnie Swaggart was just the right person to do it. However, from the perspective of the Black Protestant community, he was not the appropriate messenger, even if his message held truth.
Review of Pop the Ballon or Find Love Episode 21, where @showgrlnucci tries to find love as a stripper.
REVIEW of the SATANIC Kamala Harris, Beyonce Knowles, and Kelly Rowland ‘Reproductive Freedom Rally’ in Houston, Texas on Friday, October 25.
As we approach the five hundred year anniversary of the Protestant reformulation on October 31, 2017, it is good to look back examine how that all worked out for them. For, how are we to judge the fruit of tree over the last 500 years unless we first examine its seed? Therefore, let us start from the beginning and blink our eyes at the 33 Most Ridiculous things that Martin Luther, the illustrious Father of Protestantism and the Bible-Only (sola-scriptura) movement, said.