Catholic Traditional & Black: In Anthology and Discourse: Here are stories of five people of God whose lives have been dramatically changed and enriched for having discovered the penetrating beauty of traditional Catholic liturgy and the permanence of traditional Catholic values and devotions, which have oiled the lamp through which they seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. These five people also happen to be identified as Black Americans but have been inspired to live their lives through their Catholic faith rather than through society’s race constructs.
Saint Dominic’s Media

The Catholic Catechism on Freemasonry: A Theological and Historical Treatment on the Catholic Church’s Prohibition Against Freemasonry and its Appendant Masonic Bodies contextualizes the history and provides a theological analysis and commentary on the nine Papal documents, two Canon Laws, and two documents issued by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, which relate specifically to the Catholic Church’s dogmatic prohibition against Freemasonry.
Saint Dominic’s Media
The Divine Symphony: An Exordium to the Catholic Mass consists of four very accessible and easy to read movements that narrate, explores, and explains the meaning, mystery, theology, history, symbolism, and continuity of the Catholic Mass.
Saint Dominic’s Media

Using sacred Scripture, writings of the saints, stories from his own life, and incorporating narratives from popular books and movies such as ‘The Matrix’, ‘Lord of the Rings’, ‘Forest Gump’, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, in Cooperating with God: Life with the Cross, David L. Gray lucidly explains how we can discern the will of God for our lives by following Jesus from the womb of Mary to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.
Rather than learning how to avoid near occasions of sin, Cooperating with God: The Bridegroom’s Prayer teaches us how to seek near occasions of grace through reflecting on the 13 petitions of Christ Jesus in His prayer of High Intimacy to His Father before His sacrifice on the Cross (Seventeenth Chapter of John).

Dead on Arrival: The Seven Fatal Errors of Sola-Scriptura consists of seven easy-to-read chapters, followed by three appendixes, which all together demonstrate that Protestant doctrine doesn’t have a leg to stand on, because it stands on the hollow doctrine of Sola-Scriptura.
Saint Dominic’s Media